That's right, $7 for the LOT.
Jealous? Yeah? Well so am I! Because alas, this is not my own find.
Now I know one of the ten commandments is "Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Goods" but seriously when I read this post on Flickr I felt physically SICK with envy... I mean a large casserole, 2 pots and 3 pans in great condition and in such a beautiful colour (it's called Paris Blue) for $7!!!
I then discovered Stephanie has a lovely blog called Kitchen Culinaria, she's a brand new blogger and I have a feeling that if this find is anything to go by, this is a blog to watch!
I'm still feeling more than slightly jealous, I will NEVER EVER have a find that good!
i'm oh-so-jealous too!
Be still my heart!!!!!!!!
Holy crow!! I am having serious envy! LOL! Heading over to her blog to check it out!
Goodness GRACIOUS!! What a find and a half. Lucky her...
No. Freakin'. Way. I've been out there doing the hard yards for God knows how long. Ya gotta be kiddin' me! She's dead to me. ;)
OMG. I cannot believe that. Were they insane or maybe they just really liked her!
You have to be kidding me!! Holy cow!
*sob*...add another green-eyed monster. They are nearly exactly the same colour I painted my kitchen/dining room. I'm off for a sticky beak :-O
Thanks for the shout-out! This is awesome. :)
I honestly had dreams for days after I found them the guy would somehow realize what he'd done and want them all back. I think I used up a lifetime's supply of luck with this one find.
Jelous, who me???? Certainly!!! One of my favorite colours and all :)
Beatiful set! Great blog by the way!
Envious here too, just got my first Le Creuset this Christmas, and I absolutely love it!
The colour is gorgeous!!!!! same colour as my envy!
Unbelievable! This find is the one to beat for 2012 :)
Wow! That is a really amazing score. What a lucky lady!
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