Friday, December 17, 2010

Paying up

If you blow the dust off my archive you will see back in January I posted about "Pay it Forward" a lovely blog event where people send each other handmade gifts.

The deadline? 365 days - One Year!

So here I am, 11 months later, finally paying it forward. I would like to apologise to my 3 participants, Peace, Toronto Yardsaler and Thrifty Ba for taking sooo long on this. My only excuse is that I'm a very disorganised, last minute human being. But let's see the glass as half-full and think, "Wow! I did it a whole month before the deadline"!!! ;-)

My little gifts are all wrapped up and will be winging their way very shortly to Queensland - Australia, Toronto - Canada and Utah - USA.

Thank you for your patience, I hope you like my little efforts :-)

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