I would like to say a big huge thank you to everyone who left such lovely, comforting comments regarding my Nana. She had a long life and was very unwell at the end, so it wasn't a shock but still very sad when she passed away. Your words meant a lot to me and it was so lovely to receive condolences from all over the world.
And I was also very touched to read Erin AKA Toronto Yardsaler's post regarding the linocut prints I made for her "Pay it Forward" gift. She has them beautifully framed and hanging up in her lovely home (I made the black and white ones), very exciting for me to see, thanks Erin :-)
I'm very sorry to read of your loss and am thinking of you and your family. Lovely photo of your dear Nana and Grandad, I'm sure they are together again. Your linocut prints look stunning. xxx
A pleasure! Hope you're feeling OK. Your linocut prints are magnificent. You're a clever one. I didn't know you did these... Show more please. Pruxxx P.S. Thanks for your lovely comment about our house. Glad to hear you liked the colours. Px
They're BRIILIANT!!! You must tell me how to do a lino print. Yours look fab! x
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