It's a good thing I am GOING TO HAVE acres of open shelving in my dream kitchen some day because with the amount of kitchenware I'm amassing I will need them!
Here are a few more bits and pieces I've picked up along the way...
Beautiful clay spoons for canapés or hors d'oeuvres - 50 cents each.
A lovely robin-egg blue bowl - $5.
I found the beautiful large green bowl and very similar smaller one on the same day in totally different op shops - $5 for the larger one and $2 for the small...
Together they make a lovely chip 'n' dip set :-)
I know, more blue! I can't help it, this cute little set was $3.
This solid granite mortar and pestle was a steal at $3. I know I already have a black granite mortar and pestle but this one is a completely different shape so that's OK ;-)
And finally, this lovely rustic wooden bread board - 50 cents!
Yes, I'm going to need acres and acres and acres....